C A S P E R, W Y O M I N G
Enhance Your Arousal with the P-Shot®
The Priapus Shot, or P-Shot® is a series of painless PRP injections strategically placed to enhance sexual arousal and treat erectile dysfunction.
The procedure begins by drawing your blood, just like you would for a standard blood test. Your blood is then prepared with a centrifuge and, after a topical anesthetic is applied, is injected intra-cavernously. We pride ourselves in making these highly intimate procedures as comfortable and relaxed as possible!
What you can expect after you get the P-Shot:
Increased firmness of erection
Increased blood flow and circulation
Improved sexual capabilities
Increased sexual stamina
Increased sensation and pleasure
Enhanced appearance
Improved or resolved prostate discomfort
Improved or resolved urinary incontinence
Reasons to get the P-Shot:
Erectile dysfunction: Most men just assume ED is a natural part of aging and have to suffer in silence with the consequences. However, seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction early can often delay or even prevent these consequences entirely. The P-Shot is designed to help those who have lost function due to aging, diabetes, prostate cancer, the after-effects of surgery, or other conditions such as hardening of the arteries. The P-Shot is a stress-free treatment. You don’t have to fear side effects such as stroke, headaches, heart attacks, or erections that last for hours like you do with other treatment options.
Sexual Enhancement

"Food and Supplement Strategies to Help Men's Sexual Health"
A filmed webinar, provided by Dr. Charles Runels, reviewing the medical literature about foods and supplements shown to help harden and straighten erections.
To find out more about the about ways to help boost your sex drive, performance, and function, please visit the
Priapus Shot® | P-Shot®
Official Website: